Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hair Algebra

Sorry to disappoint, but it's true, I cut off most of my rockstar hair. I left it on the floor of a hair dresser's in Noosa. I had been thinking about doing it for a while. I know that the poll indicated that I should keep my rockstar hair, but it was time for it go. Let's call that poll a "non-binding referendum," mmm-kay?

I cut my hair for a few reasons:

1. Heat: Australia is really hot. Soon, I'll be in Southeast Asia, where it'll be even hotter! The hair was definitely causing me to overheat.

2. Humidity: It's rather humid here, too. My hair was frizzing up like no one's frizzness, er, business.

3. Practicality: Having short hair means that I don't need to carry a bottle of conditioner around. That's less stuff for me to keep in my backpack.

4. Looks: The new hair is dead sexy. 'nuff said.

I've put together some before and after pictures for you. It's an equation! Lemme lay down some mad algebra for you:

After I got my hair cut, I've been having fun going up to people saying, "Say, would you believe that just a few days ago I had long curly shoulder length hair?" Everyone, of course, says, "No way!" Then I show them my driver's license picture and they start to laugh. It's great.

My first time at Cheeky Monkey's in Byron I had to show them my ID. As I handed it to the bouncer, I warned him and said, "I've had a hair cut." He looked at my driver's license, looked at me, then doubled over laughing. He passed the ID to another bouncer and said, "Check this out." The other guy laughed, too.

The next time, I returned to Cheekie's and encountered the same bouncer. I didn't know it was the same guy, at first, and presented my ID again. He said, "I remember you!" Then, he passed my ID to another guy, again, and said, "Look at this guy's hair."

Good times.

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