Thursday, May 29, 2008

Crazy Mario Video with Anime Soundtrack

I know that my blog is a travel-related blog and not one of those many blogs where people just post "cool things they see on the Internet." However, as I sit here in Scott Faber's condo waiting for him and his girlfriend to come back from work while sipping this Franziskaner Weissbier that I picked up at the Carrefour hypermarket in shiny downtown Singapore today while sightseeing, I just watched this 11-minute video and was in awe the whole time. Mario-related videos are usually pretty cool, but this one is just amazing! Some guy made custom levels and played them. The sounds from the game form the percussion section for the background music composed of some of the catchiest anime tunes. Just brilliant! It was so awesome, I had to post it here. After all, this is MY blog, and I'll post whatever I want!

Rob Szumlakowski