Wednesday, February 13, 2008

This is Supposed to be Called the Sunshine Coast?

While walking in the pouring rain today, my sister and I had a little conversation. It went something like this:

Christine: "I thought it almost never rained in Australia."

Rob: "You're so wrong. It actually rains EVERY SINGLE DAY in Australia."

Christine: "I thought that this place was supposed to be called the Sunshine Coast?"

Rob: "I think we should ask for our money back. The sky's still gray!"

Sad, but true. According to the TV, Australia is currently suffering from its worst rains since 1974. It rained yesterday. It rained today. It's supposed to rain tomorrow. It rained much of last week (especially in Sydney!). It didn't always rain all day, but most days have seen some rain, at least.

The TV showed us today that a yacht was stranded in really bad weather on Hook Island in the Whitsundays. We were just there last week! There was crazy flooding after some tornadoes in Mackay and some kid is currently missing. Mackay is only like 30 km south of Airlie Beach! I guess it's a good thing that we were in Airlie Beach last week instead of this one. But it's not all sunshine and lollipops here either. Last night there were supposed to be monsoon storms here in the Sunshine Coast. There were supposed to be winds of like 110 km/h! Luckily, the storm was deflected last night and went back to sea.

Nevertheless, it continues to rain.

The weather is warm at least. It's very pleasant in Noosa. It's about 20 to 25 degrees each day with medium humidity. It's what I would call, nothing less than, "perfect weather" (except for the rain).

Airlie Beach, about 1000 km further north and closer to the equator than Noosa, was much hotter. It was closer to 30 degrees and much more humid. You could really feel the sun's radiation up there. It rained most days, too, but it would come and go in fifteen or twenty minutes. It wasn't much of a bother up there.

Rob Szumlakowski
Noosa, Australia


Will Chau said...

Rain is MUCH better than snow... It's Feb 15th and Toronto has had the most snow in over 50 years! I think we're at 70+cm of snow this month (and counting).

Rob Szumlakowski said...

It turns out that Mackay, which is 30 km from Airlie Beach (where we spent 4 days) has suffered its worst one day rainfall in 90 years! They received one half a normal year's worth of rainfall in just one afternoon last week! It's crazy here!